Early Childhood Career Pathways Grant

Through funding from the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), STCC offers early educators the coursework needed to launch or advance their careers at no cost to the student. The Certificate of Completion in Early Childhood Education is available in both English and Spanish. Courses are primarily online, and any in-person meetings are held in the evening.

Students in the Certificate program can elect to earn the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential as well. They receive support in CDA portfolio development and exam preparation. The CDA application fee is paid by the grant.  


Individuals must be employed at least twenty hours per week in an EEC- licensed program or license-exempt program, or intend to gain employment in an EEC-licensed or license-exempt program within six months of beginning the Certificate program. Participating students agree to remain employed in an EEC licensed–program or license-exempt program for at least one year after they earn their certificate.


All costs that are not covered by free aid are covered by the grant, including academic as well as non-academic supports. Textbooks and laptops are available to borrow.


Contact us to learn more and to apply:

Meredith Bertrand
Early Childhood Education Liaison - Academic Counselor

Cynthia Breunig
Early Childhood Education Liaison - Academic Counselor
(Spanish and English)