Campus Safety
The safety of students, faculty, staff, and members of the community on the STCC campus is paramount. Here are some tools available to help keep you safe.
Help Now
Blue Call Boxes (and elevator phones)
Located across campus, these phones ring directly to Campus Police. Please use the closest one to your location in case of an emergency.
Campus Escorts
Call Campus Police at x4220 or (413) 755-4220 to request a walking escort.
Campus Safety App
STCC utilizes RAM ALERT for users to share their location with STCC Police or with a friend who also uses the app.
Dialing 911 should be used only for medical emergencies or other imminent dangers on campus. STCC Police and City of Springfield Police/Fire/EMS will be alerted. When possible, please be able to share details of your location with the dispatcher.
RAVE alerts
We send messages to your STCC and personal email addresses, as well as your landline and cell phone numbers we have on file in case of an emergency alert. Learn more about Rave alerts.
Campus Alert Updates
In addition to RAVE alerts, campus announcements are posted to the Campus Alert Updates page.
Emergency Preparedness
To see the campus evacuation plan and emergency reference guides please see the Emergency Preparedness page.
Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Resources
You are not alone. STCC provides resources for victims and survivors of domestic/dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Resources continue to be offered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking resources.
SAFE Project
The Support and Advocacy for Everyone (SAFE) Project seeks to strengthen campus-wide trauma-informed response in order to provide seamless and consistent support to students and staff experiencing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The SAFE Project provides campus programming and awareness events as well as training and presentations to students and employees.
Chemical Environmental Management System (CEMS)
Chemical Environmental Management System login
Crime Statistics
In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (more commonly known as The Clery Act), Springfield Technical Community College publishes an STCC Annual Clery Report that includes statistics for the previous three calendar years concerning crimes that occurred on college property and on public property immediately adjacent to, and accessible from, the campus. This report also includes institutional policies concerning campus safety and security matters. To have a printed copy of the report mailed to you, contact STCC Police at 413-755-4220.